Filter Oli Daihatsu Gran Max

Filter Oli Daihatsu Gran Max

By David Parsons
  • 32

Berapa km ganti oli mobil Grand Max untuk oli mesin dan oli transmisi? Mari kita simak lebih lengkap informasi tentang berapa km ganti oli mobil Grand Max dan juga tentang oli transmisi Grand Max. Maka dari itu, kamu perlu tahu berapa kebutuhan oli mesin dan berapa km ganti oli mobil Grand Max. Oli Transmisi Grand MaxSelain oli mesin, oli transmisi juga perlu diganti. Jadi sudah tahu berapa km ganti oli mobil Grand Max dan cara ganti oli transmisi Grand Max?

Ganti Oli Gratis Filter Oli di Daihatsu Pondok Indah

Jakarta - Penggguna - Penggguna Daihatsu Grand Max semua tipe, kalau mau ganti oli coba tengok layanan PT Astra Internasionalk Tbk-Daihatsu Jakarta Pondok Indah Branch, Jaksel. Ada bonus saat ganti oli“Sampai dengan akhir April 2015 ini, kita sedang buka program ganti oli gratis filter oli,” Sanggara Ferdiana, Sevice Advisor bengkel resmi tersebut. Bagi pemilik mobil Daihatsu yang pemakaiannya sudah diatas 100 ribu km, ada diskon jasa pengerjaan sebesar 10%. Free filter oli, isi nitrogen di ban dan pengecekan 21 item, juga masuk dalam paketan promo yang dilakukan. “Dengan promo ini, diharapkan pengguna Daihatsu enggak hanya saat kondisi mobilnya sudah parah saja baru diservis,” tutup pria ramah asal Gresik, Jatim ini.

What Oil for my Car

Why and when should I change my engine oil? What engine oil does my car need? Why you should buy your engine oil from Euro Car PartsAs engine oil’s role is to keep all the parts of your engine moving and working correctly, over time it can collect dirt and start to become less efficient at its job.It is recommended that you change your engine oil every 5,000 miles – but if you drive a lot, or in challenging conditions, it’s worth changing it at 3,000 miles.Use the tool at the top of this page to find out which oil is right for your engine. Once you’ve narrowed it down, you can choose between the brands to find the features you need, such as synthetic and semi-synthetic.As one of the UK’s leading stockists of car parts, we know our stuff. With us, you can benefit from free UK delivery, or come to one of over 200 branches nationwide to click and collect your chosen engine oil.

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