1979 Daihatsu Charade Runabout Performance & Technical Specification SummaryThis Daihatsu Charade Runabout was produced from 1979 to 1982. It was facelifted in 1982 with the 1982 Daihatsu Charade Runabout . With 49 BHP, the naturally aspirated 1 Litre 6v Inline 3 petrol engine accelerates this Charade Runabout to 62 mph in 17.1 seconds and on to a maximum speed of 86 mph. Having a kerb weight of 700 kg, it achieves 46.0 mpg on average and can travel 344 miles before requiring a refill of its 34 litre capacity fuel tank. It comes with a 4 speed manual gearbox.Last updated on 1July, 2021.
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