International shipping - items may be subject to customs processing depending on the item's customs value. Sellers declare the item's customs value and must comply with customs declaration laws. Information As the buyer, you should be aware of possible:• Delays from customs inspection. • Import duties and taxes which buyers must pay. • Brokerage fees payable at the point of delivery.
International shipping - items may be subject to customs processing depending on the item's customs value. Sellers declare the item's customs value and must comply with customs declaration laws. Information As the buyer, you should be aware of possible:• Delays from customs inspection. • Import duties and taxes which buyers must pay. • Brokerage fees payable at the point of delivery.
Beli mobil STNK only memang cukup marak ditemui di berbagai marketplace media online, tawaran harganya pun cukup menggiurkan. Misalnya Toyota Fortuner bekas tahun 2015 bisa dijual setengah lebih murah dibanding harga pasaran, begitu juga Mitsubishi Pajero Sport bekas STNK only yang harganya jauh di bawah harga pasaran. Beli mobil STNK only yang juga kerap disebut mobil dengan surat selendangan itu meski murah tapi mengundang risiko yang sangat berbahaya. Bahkan kalian bisa dianggap sebagai jarinPrasetyo 29.04.2024 Baca Lebih
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