ADVERTISEMENT SCROLL TO RESUME CONTENT- Dear detikOto, mobil saya Honda City 2007 i-DSI, saya ada beberapa masalah yang dialami baru baru ini:1. Alarm mobil tiba-tiba tidak bunyi, tapi mobil bisa dikunci dan dibuka.2. Mesin berbunyi cit.cit.. cit.. seperti suara burung setiap kali baru dinyalakan.Mohon nasihat untuk menyelesaikan dua masalah tadiEdi KurniawanDKI JakartaHallo salam kenal Edi, alarm tidak bersuara atau bunyinya tidak keluar biasanya diakibatkan dari mode silent yang tidak sengaja diaktifkan.Beda merek beda cara pengoprasian mode silent nya, kalau masih ada buku petunjuknya. Coba dilihat dan pastikan mode silent tidak aktif.Untuk masalah kedua, bunyi cit cit keluar dari fan belt, bunyi tersebut biasanya pertanda fan belt kendor, rusak atau kering.Kalau kering cukup diberi belt dresing tetapi kalau sudah getas dan rusak lebih baik diganti.Demikian semoga membantu.SalamAjat Sudrajat
Biasanya alarm mobil yang bunyi sendiri disebabkan oleh beberapa hal, salah satunya adalah baterai remote yang mau habis. Namun pemilik mobil tak perlu khawatir, sebab masalah tersebut masih bisa diatasi dengan cara reset remote mobil. Dengan mereset remote mobil, diharapkan alarm mobil bisa berfungsi dengan normal dan tidak berbunyi lagi. Mungkin banyak pemilik yang tidak tahu, bagaimana cara mereset remote alarm ini. Carmudian juga wajib tahu apa saja penyebab erornya remote alarm mobil.
star Top AnsweraccountCircle Robert H. January 20, 2021If the alarm has been activated in a Honda Civic, press the panic button on the key fob. If that doesnt work, try putting the key in the drivers door and rotate the lock to the left and then to the right. Either of these methods should turn the alarm off. If the battery has been disconnected, the security system will need to be reset. Press and hold the security reset button for about three seconds, it is on the drivers kick panel, next to the hood release lever.
Fortunately, while you are waiting for your appointment, there is a way to turn off a car alarm on a Honda Accord. The car alarm should now turn off. To reset the alarm system, start your car and let the vehicle run for 10 minutes. Then, turn off the vehicle, and the alarm system should work as usual. While you are getting your car battery changed, download the Jerry app to find out if you’re overpaying for car insurance.
A car alarm that is not working at all or not working properly can be extremely annoying to you and your neighbors. The following steps will help guide you on how to reset your factory car alarm. Method 1 of 5: Resetting the alarm remoteIt is possible that the key fob or alarm remote has failed and is not sending a proper signal to your vehicle’s alarm system. You may also try turning the car on to reset the alarm. While faulty car alarms can be very annoying, it is important make sure there are not deeper issues at work.
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