If you’re in the market for a used Honda Civic, watch out for these issues. The worst Honda CivicThe Honda Civic | Sjoerd van der Wal/Getty ImagesA failing transmission was quite common in both 2001 and 2002 Honda Civic models. Bad HVAC systemsUsed Honda Civic models are also well-known for heating problems. 16 people were killed as a result of this problem, including the driver of a 2005 Honda Civic. If you purchase a Honda Civic from the affected model years, verify with the seller that this problem has been corrected.
ES Squad adalah komunitas, bukan klub. Pembentukan region baru dianjurkan mengadakan peresmian yang dihadiri oleh region-region terdekat yang sudah ada sebelumnya.6. Member aktif ES Squad adalah pengguna Honda Civic ES. Bagi ex-pengguna atau penggemar Civic ES tetap diperbolehkan bergabung untuk menjadi ES Crew7. Member aktif yang memindahtangankan kendaraannya diharapkan menghilangkan logo/stiker ES Squad dari kendaraannya.
2 shares ShareTweetPin 2LinkedInOverview for Check Emission System Honda Civic ProblemsIf you are having an emission system problem Honda Civic then this is a post for you. And this post will discuss aspects of the 2012 Honda Civic check engine light and other Honda models, like the check emission system Honda civic 2013, check emission system Honda civic 2015, and the check emission system Honda civic 2014. I will also address the following topics in this post: What does check emission system mean on Honda Civic 2012, how to reset check emission system Honda civic 2012, and other models like Honda Civic 2013, 2014, 2015, etc., how do you fix an emission problem; we are specifically looking at the emission system problem Honda Civic? Read this too: How To Reset Check Emission System Acura TSXHow to Reset Check Emission System Honda Civic 2012? what to do when you notice a Check Emission System Honda Civic 2014 lightWhat do you do when the check emission system of your Honda Civic 2014 comes on?
Quote:Original Posted By tectona.jt►Update dari masalah indikator temperatur mesin ane yg kemari tiba2 drop, setelah ane selidiki ternyata sensor temperatur mesin ga ada masalah karena kipas fan tetep nyala normal..penyebab temperatur drop trus engine check nyala (ECU error code P0118) ternyata ada di (IAC) Idle Air Control Valve yg kotor gan... Posisinya ada di samping Throttle.. ini ni gambar posisinya..hati2 pas bongkar, soalnya sekrup bagian bawah biasanya berkarat, kalo dipaksa bisa dol...hati2 juga air radiator muncrat ke lobang throttle pas buka skrup, karna saluran radiator ada yg melewati valve ini jadi pas radiator panas airnya pasti muncrat, sebaiknya nunggu mesin agak dinggin..nah kalo udah di bongkar tinggal semprot bagian ini ni..kalo udah dibersihin pasang lagi kalo bisa pake seal karet baru atau pake sealant yg high temp biar ga bocor..liat aja seberapa kotornya... punya ane dalemnya itemnya udah kaya pantat panci, soalnya kalo kita semprot bagian lobang di dinding throttle kotoran yg di trottle pasti masuk ke bagian ini.. kalo misalnya ga sembuh juga coba diganti aja valvenya (tapi jarang rusak katanya), harganya sekitar 300rb.. tapi kalo ganti full set sekalian sensor IAC bisa sampe 2jt..Sebenernya kasusnya mirip2 agannih, karna pas temperatur drop trus engine check nyala RPM mesin naik sampe 1500, cuma untungnya ane cuman bersihin valvenya aja ga sampe rusak IAC nya..sekarang normal lagi, udah dipake muter2 seharian gada masalah.. hehehe
What kind of vehicle is the 2022 Honda Civic? The 2022 Honda Civic is one of the bestselling and best-known compact cars on the planet. Is the 2022 Honda Civic a good car? The redesigned 2022 Honda Civic arrives with sleeker and less wildly detailed styling, paired with a new higher-quality interior. Where is the 2022 Honda Civic made?
99.000.000Honda Civic - - Pertamax - 2005 - 140.145 kms. Tawaran terbaik dari mobil123. Com dijual: honda civic vti-s facelift... ) bogor kota (after office hours/weekend) lihat pasti suka, rare item! Thanks...28 Feb 2022 masuk Mobil123
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