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Mitsubishi Lancer evo 4Kondisi istimewa sekali full sound sistem ada tv nya. warna silver, mesin kering. khusus pemakai. hub 02199612779 liat pasti beli tidak kecewa
16 Apr 2019Mengenal Sepuluh Model Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution yang Melegenda (Part 1)Siapa yang tak kenal Mitsubishi Lancer? Sejak saat itulah Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution memulai kiprahnya di dunia otomotif hingga melahirkan sepuluh model Lancer Evolution yang melegenda. Lancer Evolution I (1992)Setelah target 2.500 unit Lancer Evolution produksi massal terpenuhi, maka kiprah Lancer Evolution ini pun dimulai. Lancer Evolution II (1994)Kesuksesan Lancer Evolution generasi pertama di kancah reli WRC tampaknya membuat Mitsubishi Motors menghadirkan suksesornya yaitu Lancer Evolution II pada Januari 1994. Lancer Evolution IV (1996)Pada Oktober 1995, mobil penumpang Lancer mendapat full model change, begitu pun pada Lancer Evolution yang masuk generasi keduanya atau dikenal juga dengan Evo IV.
However, one of the producers claimed that they used a 2002 Mitsubishi Lancer O.Z. [citation needed]Evolution VIII EditEvolution IX EditEvolution X EditDiscontinuation EditIn March 2011, rumours of discontinuation of the Lancer Evolution program started when AutoCar UK's journalist Matt Prior wrote on his interview with Gayu Uesugi, Mitsubishi's Global Product Director, and quoted him saying 'The Lancer Evolution X, Uesugi told me, will be the last Evo. '[52] Mitsubishi Motors would later state that "Further to some comments published in the press recently, production of the current Lancer Evolution continues as planned. Furthermore, it was stated that the next generation of Mitsubishi Evo will be notably smaller than the last version[53] In late March 2014, it was revealed that the production of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution would end after the 2015 model year. "[54]Motorsports EditAwards EditThe Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution won Consumer Search's best Aggressive sports sedan in Best Sports Sedans in June 2006.
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