Harga Nissan Skyline R34 Turbo

Harga Nissan Skyline R34 Turbo

By Jasmine Martin
  • 63

RAJAMOBIL.COM, Jakarta – Wow, deretan Nissan Skyline dengan kondisi yang masih sangat terawat, bahkan terbungkus plastik tersimpan rapih di gudang rahasia kawasan pedesaan di Jepang. Dikutip dari Carscoops, belum lama ini Australian YouTuber SAMMIT telah melakukan kunjungan ke perusahaan tersebut dan menemukan hal mengejutkan berupa lusinan Nissan Skyline. Lalu, ada juga Nissan Skyline R34 bermesin naturally aspirated hanya dijual sekitar Rp 99 jutaan. Sekedar informasi, Nissan Skyline merupakan mobil sport dan mobil kompak mewah yang awalnya diproduksi oleh Prince Motor Company pada tahun 1957, setelah itu baru-lah digagas oleh Nissan Motor Company. Setelahnya, Nissan Skyline dan saudara besarnya, Nissan Gloria, dijual di Jepang di dealership yang bernama Nissan Prince Shop.

Nissan Skyline to GT R The Evolution of a Supercar

Skyline finally became a Nissan in 1969, when the first performance-bred Skyline GT-R was unveiled at the Tokyo Motor Show. The first generation Nissan Skyline was available from 1969-1972. The 1969 GT-R version of the Skyline was a touring car like no other. The car obliterated the competition in Japan's domestic touring races, winning 52 races in its first three years of competition. The first two-door version was introduced in 1970 with a successful launch and was well-received, but a global gasoline crisis and a move towards stricter emissions standards put the Skyline GT-R on the shelf for a time.

Used NISSAN SKYLINE R34 for sale search results List View

Discount up to USD 10002. All purchasers are eligible3. Campaign period from 10:00 am, Dec 7th to 18:00 pm, Dec 17th, Japan time.4. Car should be purchased on or before 31st Jan 20215. Any country and any number of vehicles are eligible for the campaign※The discount depends on the price as follows.・Price up to 1 million yen → USD 300 discount・Price up to 2 million yen → USD 500 discount・Price up to 5 million yen → USD 700 discount・Price up to 10 million yen → USD 900 discount・Price 10 million yen or more → USD 1,000 discountEVERYBODY IS A WINNER!Search your ride from here.

Nissan Skyline GT R R34 Warna Langka Ini Dilelang Tertarik

DENVER, Carvaganza – Dari seluruh generasi model Nissan GT-R yang pernah diproduksi, generasi GT-R R34 menjadi salah satu yang paling banyak diincar oleh penggemar. Warna spesial ini pernah dibuat oleh Nissan pada Skyline GT-R R34 varian V-Spec, yang punya spesifikasi dan performa berbeda daripada GT-R standar. Nah, bagi Anda penggemar yang ingi bisa memiliki Skyline GT-R V-Spec berwarna Midnight Purple II ini, telah datang kesempatan bagus. Khusus untuk GT-R V-Spec berwarna Midnight Purple II ini, Nissan hanya memproduksi sebanyak 282 unit pada tahun 1999. Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec Midnight Purple II ini dijual dengan sistem lelang online, yang saat berita ini dibuat telah mencapai harga penawaran $ 235.000 (Rp 3,384 miliar).

Here s How Much A Nissan Skyline R34 Is Worth Today

RELATED: The Evolution Of The Nissan/Datsun GT-R In PicturesThe Nissan Skyline R34 Is A Digital CenterpieceVia: AutocarLike its predecessors and successors, the R34 is a driver-focused, aggressive sports car. RELATED: New Nissan GT-R Or Old R34 Skyline GT-R V-Spec - Which Is Your Nissan? The same changes also applied to the V-Spec N1, hence becoming the V-Spec II N1. RELATED: Detailing The World’s Most Expensive R34 Nissan Skyline GT-R Z-TuneHow Much Does A Nissan Skyline R34 Cost? 38 of which are the V-Spec N1, while only 18 are V-Spec II N1.

This 2002 Nissan Skyline GT R V Spec II Nur Costs Nearly 500 000 USD

A 2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R V Spec II Nur is a rare sight, so the news of a practically brand new one being up for sale makes this car a unicorn. The GT-R V Spec II Nur has been kept in storage most of its life, evident from the fact that the factory plastic seat covers and paper floor mats still remain in place alongside its untarnished leather interior. Prices for Nissan Skyline GT-Rs are rising as of late, with many fetching around the $100,000 USD mark. This 2002 Nissan Skyline GT-R V Spec II Nur, however, is expected to cost a lot more. In case you missed it, here is everything you need to know about the Nissan Skyline GT-R series.

NISSAN Skyline GT R R34 specs photos 1999 2000 2001 2002

The history of Skyline goes back in time since 1957 under the brand Prince. A car that wrote history in the Skyline R34. A coupe packed with the latest technology on the market and an advanced engine: the RB26DETT. The Skyline R34 had an intelligent all-wheel-drive system with a limited-slip rear differential (LSD), which helped the car accelerate faster on the corner's exits. This display showed many of the car's engine stats including boost pressure, oil temp, water temp and more.

Nissan GT R R34 Mobil Langka Dengan Spek Istimewa di Indonesia

GridOto - Mendengar namanya saja sudah bikin orang terpukau, apalagi bisa melihat mellihat Nissan GT-R R34. Tidak banyak yang punya GT-R R34 di Indonesia dan salah satunya ialah milik Dimas yang istimewanya hadir dalam varian V-Spec II Nur. "Saya pegang ini dari 2016, tipenya Nissan GT-R R34 V-Spec II Nur. Rr Inne Aveline H Mesin sudah dimodifikasi menjadi Nismo R2 CRS 2.800 ccTapi di tangan Dimas mobil ini sukses menembus 510 WHP (668 DK) dengan spesifikasi mesin RB26 tipe R2 CRS. "Jadi dari Nismo itu ada spek R2 yang default, itu di atas kertas output-nya 480-an dk," terang Dimas.

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