Toyota Indonesia has donated Toyota Innova Ambulance modified MPV to Indonesian Red Cross and Ministry of Health to aid in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak. Toyota Indonesia, consisting of PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), has donated 5 units of the Toyota Innova Ambulance, or the Toyota Kijang Innova Ambulance as it’s called in Indonesia. The modifications have been carried out by one of Toyota’s supply chains. Of the G, V and Q trims, the modified Toyota Innova is based on the most basic, G trim.
Infinium Toyota, an Ahmedabad-based authorized dealership for Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM), is offering 200 units of Innova MPVs that have been converted into Ambulance vans. These purpose-built units of the Toyota Innova Crysta will be handed over to the MLAs, MPs and a few government hospitals in Gujarat to help political parties as well as medical centres in the fight against the pandemic. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Infinium Toyota (@infiniumtoyota)The Toyota Innova Crysta Ambulance package is basically a dealership-level modification that packs in an oxygen cylinder, stretcher and other basic medical aids that are required while transporting patients to hospitals. Outside, the Toyota Innova Crysta Ambulance bears a handful of minor modifications that are typically found on ambulance vans. It is, however, for the first time that similar ambulances based on the updated MPV have been prepared.
Toyota has donated a modified Innova Crysta in Indonesia to the Red Cross and Ministry of Health. The Toyota Innova Crysta has been modified into an ambulance and comes fully armed with all the critical, life-saving equipment. In Indonesia, the Toyota Innova Crysta is known as the Toyota Kijang Innova but it looks similar to the Indian-spec model. Since the Innova Crysta offers a lot of space, the rear seats of the vehicle have been removed. Toyota Innova Crysta is widely used in India by the authorities.
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Otomotinet - Toyota Indonesia yang terdiri dari PT. Selain memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan dan juga bantuan alat kesehatan untuk mendukung para pejuang medis, Toyota Indonesia juga memperkenalkan Toyota Kijang Innova Ambulance, yang sebelumnya telah didonasikan kepada Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) untuk diserahkan ke rumah sakit yang membutuhkan. Salah satu faktor yang jadi pertimbangan terpilihnya Kijang Innova adalah dimensi kendaraan. Baca Juga: Kijang Innova Berwajah Lexus RX200, Mata Fortuner, Suspensi Bisa Naik TurunToyota Toyota KIjang Innova AmbulanceHal ini karena perlengkapan serta fitur yang dibutuhkan pada sebuah ambulance cukup banyak, sehingga membutuhkan tempat yang memadai. Toyota Toyota KIjang Innova AmbulanceNamun, yang menjadi pertimbangan utama adalah, wabah Covid-19 tidak hanya terjadi di kota besar, tetapi bahkan sudah masuk menjangkiti area pelosok wilayah Indonesia.
Toyota donates an anti-COVID ambulance to an Islamic Boarding School in IndonesiaThere are some countries in which pandemic is still spreading. Toyota donated an ambulance and other items to an Islamic School of the archipelago. The An Nawawi Tanara Islamic Boarding School in the province of Baten was given a Kijang Innova Ambulance unit, 2,250 face masks, hand sanitizers and staple packages by Toyota Indonesia as support against COVID. Toyota Indonesia on the donated ambulanceThe donated ambulance is part of a total of 17 Kijang Innova ambulance units donated to various groups for the fight against COVID pandemic. In addition, to them, they donated 108,000 PPEs and 34,800 face masks.
Liputan6, Jakarta - Toyota Indonesia bersama supply chain-nya (Toyota Manufacturers Club) mendonasikan Kijang Innova ambulance serta puluhan ribu face mask kepada Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta. Bantuan ini sebagai bentuk kepedulian Toyota dalam penanganan pandemi Corona Covid di Ibu Kota. Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) Warih Andang Tjahjono dan diterima langsung oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. Donasi ini merupakan rangkaian dari aktivitas corporate social responsibility (CSR) Toyota Indonesia dalam menghadapi pandemi Corona Covid-19. Untuk diketahui, Kijang Innova buatan Karawang ini telah dikonversi menjadi ambulance sesuai standar yang sesuai dengan tindakan medis yang diperlukan.
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